Make organic pestcides from Neem sprays Extructs on vegetables and fruits
Neen Extracts Today it’s no cost pest control! Use neem leaves to make a pest control solution. Neem spray is effective against many pests of grain and vegetable crops. For example, neem spray can affect locusts, bean aphids, whiteflies, houseflies, Mexican bean beetles, Colorado potato beetles, corn earworms, and cabbage loopers. And because there are always green leaves on neem trees you can pick them whenever you need them to make the spray. Here is how some farmers In Uganda make neem leaf spray: To make five litres of spray use about 2 kilograms of fresh neem leaves. Put the leaves into a pot or source pan and add five litres of water. Boil the mixture until the green colour is gone from the leaves to make the whole water turn now green, When the green colour is gone it means that the part of the leaves that affects the insects has gone into the water. Let the water cool overnight. The next day, remove the leaves or filter the mixture through a fine cloth. Now you have a ne...