Freeeee Plastics use

Freeeee Plastics. Lets let's Go Green

vegan diet and no buying of products wrapped in or containing plasticsdiet and no buying of products wrapped in or containing plastics

Why plastic-free?

I used to think that it didn’t matter how much plastic I produced because I could recycle it so expanding its life span. I discovered late last year that this is not necessarily the case as the UK produces so much plastic waste, we have to export it as we don’t have the capacity to recycle all of it. The particularly shocking part is that the countries we export it to also lack the sufficient infrastructure and so they burn it! I, and many other people I’m sure, do not recycle plastic intending for it to be burnt!
My initial reaction was frustration (how can the Africa, a developing nation, not have the infrastructure to recycle its plastic waste?), then confusion (what on earth can I do with my plastic waste now?!), and finally clarity (Of course! I can just not produce any plastic waste!!!)
The benefits of this are endless.
• It will reduce the strain on the African recycling capacity
• It will reduce the volume of plastics and subsequent microplastics in the environment (something I often worry a lot about)
• I will be more conscious when I buy products.
• Most importantly, by buying the more expensive plastic-free product I am using my vote as a consumer to see change in the plastics, packaging and recycling industries.
Why Veganuary?
As someone who identifies as an environmentalist, I now find it very hard to eat meat without feeling guilty about the consequences my eating-habits have on the environment. After becoming vegetarian in May last year I kept this up until Christmas (I decided in August I would have Christmas Dinner with meat, with the caveat that it would be locally and sustainably sourced from a farm that didn’t mass produce, had low environmental impact and the animals were fed properly). Obviously animal welfare is a problem with eating meat, and along with many others, I have developed a kind of apathy - I don’t like to think about it so I don’t. In the past few years, however, when I eat meat, I try to remember and be grateful for the fact that an animal had to give its life for my meal.
My foremost concern with a non-plant-based diet is the environmental implications. The resource intensity specifically.
And so, if you have managed to read all the way to the bottom I invite you to join me for January in being either/both a plastic-free vegan, or even just try to be conscious about what you're going to buy.
My environment is my Responsibility

Iam  student for Nature
Creating solitsolu for Africa
*African Food Security and Climate Army*
Protecting the Environment and ensuring Food Security


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