Hot pepper / Chilli production

Chilli pepper is one of the trending fast growing crop in Africa. It's also called the Hot pepper and kamulali in Uganda, it takes almost 90days to maturity but all depends on varieties. It can be   harvested throughout the year depending on the availability of water. It is drought resistant and has a high demand on local and export market.

The yield varies considerably depending on varieties, supply of nutrients among others. The average expected yield is 4 to 6 tonnes per hectare. This variation in yields is brought about by lack of water during dry seasons which can lead to flower abortion.
Marketing Analysis

Market for Chilli is available for export but with small local market in supermarket, hotels,and others .it  can also be exported. Before export harvested chillies are kept in cold rooms , where sorting is done to get only quality pepper that can meet export market standsrds, those that can not meet export standard are the one that are crushed and sold locally in restaurants, hotels, groceries.

There are many Varieties of hot pepper each with its own shape, size and colour (red or orange or yellow).  The varieties are as follows:
The common pepper variety is Scotch Bonnet the “Caribbean” type which has a rich unique flavour.
Another common variety is the

1.The Red bird eyes pepper , This is  second largely grown chill in Uganda, the chills are shot, narrow fruits tapering to blunt point that sits proud on the plant.
2 Habernero  these have a light, fruity flavor with a searing heat that builds and builds

3 Scotch Bonnets_ these are irregular wrinkled pods of various shapes sizes and color. It’s one of the most exported chills today.

4 The Thaih Hot_pepper ,these are very hot chilies, around 2 cm long. They start out green and mature in to bright red.

 A number of chilli  varieties are grown for fresh consumption and processing today,

Uses of Chillies or Hot Pepper
The red pepper has the following uses:

It is a cash crop for small scale farmers

It is a foreign exchange earner

Chilli is used in the manufacture of curry Ingredients, chilli sauce, and chilli pickles and various medicinal products.

Soil requirements for growing Chilli in Africa

Chills require well drained soils with a moderate fertility to grow. The plants are tolerant to a pH range from 5.5 to 6.8.

How to propagate Chilli
Chilies are started using quality disease free seeds. These will take about 14 days to properly emerge.

How to produce chilies in Uganda

Get started for chilli production by setting up a bed.

Dig the site meant for planting to make a raised square bed.

Heap up the soil to level it up a bit, then incorporate in animal manure, and also get dry grass and cover it on top.

Light up the grass to burn completely, this will not only add ash minerals to the bed but it will also kill soil born pests.

Leave the soils to cool before you can put in the seeds.

Make shallow furrows on the bed and then lightly scatter the seeds into the furrows.

Cover them lightly with the soil mixture and also water.

Spray the bed with a fungicide and pesticide to enhance uniform growth. This will also reduce chances of damping off that comes with fungal diseases and foliar easting pests.
About Transplanting Chilli in your Garden

Seedlings are ready for transplanting at 5 to 8 true leaf stage.

Usually these would be 30 days after sowing.

Prior to transplanting make sure the bed is watered to avoid stressing the seedlings.

The transfer should also be done in the evening when the sunshine is not too much.

Open up holes 3cm deep, broad cast animal manure in each hole, mix and then plant in the seedlings.

Thinly cover the planted seedling with soil. Immediately have another person spraying the plants with a fungicide and a pesticide.

A spacing of 60-75cm apart within rows and 20cm between plants should be maintained. Watch out for mites, leaf miners, thrips, and blossom end rot when the fruits do mature.

How to Harvest Chilli in Uganda

Chilies are ready for harvesting about 8 to 12 weeks after transplanting, though this may be depend on the type of variety and the season of the year.

As indicator of maturity, chilies will change from green to yellow to orange or red color.

Therefore the specific color demanded in the market will dictate when to harvest the fruit.

Harvest once per week by grasping the fruit in the hand and gently press against the stem.

Follow by snapping the fruit off the plant.

Make sure that you put on clothed gloves when harvesting as the chilli heat might affect your palm skin.

About the Chilli Market in Uganda

So far the major market is the exporting companies which sell the fresh habanero and scotch bonnet chilies abroad.

The other consumers of the chilies would be pharmaceutical companies here, and even the locals who enjoy the hot spice, the hotels and vegetable markets are other out lets for selling chilies

The pepper suffers from the following diseases:

It can be attached by many insects, nematodes and fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens.
Hot pepper is subject to a number of diseases that reduce both yield and market value of the fruit.  The diseases include bacterial spot, blight, phytophthora root rot and gray leaf spots.

In addition weeds and several physiological disorders such as nutrient deficiencies can cause yield losses

                    Researched By
                   Wandera Alex
African Food Security and Climate


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