Behold! The tall grotesque structures,
Buildings that aspire to touch the skies,
Blatant display of ugliness,
Bold and bare cement walls,
Belittling the cosmic design,
Barging into nature's paradise,
Breaking the silence of the mountains,
Barring the tranquil rivers to flow in peace,
Bantering the green meadows and green grass,
Blowing off God's creation into nothingness!

Isn't it willful intrusion into nature and its ways?
Isn't it greed of man to hoard and hoard?
Isn't it man's malicious intention to mar the beauty of nature?
Isn't it man's deliberation to destroy the eco-system?
Isn't it man's selfish endeavour to destroy the eco-balance?
Isn't it vandalism to change the structures made by Almighty?

Hey man! Please do not disturb the natural working of the universe
Hark! The universe follows its own laws - not the man-made ones
Heal and develop the self to align with nature
Hold on to the beauty of nature and dance to its fine melody!

Look at these yellow flowers, so beautiful!
They stand undisturbed, united with nature so bountiful!
By Wandera Alexander


  1. Wow! What a moving and beautiful poem. I also agree that nature should be undisturbed and appreciated!


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