
Showing posts from December, 2018

Protect the mother Earth by halting Pollution this coming 2019

Look outside, see the trees Watch the flowers in the breeze Things won't be like this in a year or two If polluting is all we do Seize the night Seize the day Things won't always be this way Thousands of people are dying In the night you hear children crying Let's stop the war Our people are sore The world can't help itself Who cares about your wealth Help me to help you Show the world what you can do , protect to the environment ,remember destroying the environment is creating more harm to your future life ,the feacal you dispose anyhowly poses cholera to the young children , swampy reclamation within our country today  signifies a worse Water ecosystem threat in the neqr time,  Plant trees to save the planet Earth Establish riparian belts the catchment of water will be fine Use fertilizer well the soils will be left still productive I have played my part of Environmental awareness to stop pollution due to the love I have for Nature Let  the new ...
My take on how to tell pure honey from fake one. You could be buying fake honey thinking it's real. For many people especially today, honey 🍯  has become  a must-have product at home 🏠. Not only does it have loads of health benefits, but you can also use it to treat some ailments as well as make face masks for a smooth blemish free skin and even exfoliate your lips. However,unknown to many people, there’s fake honey being sold in the supermarkets. Some vendors are mixing honey with water and other things such as glucose, glycerine so that they can have more honey in their batch for sale. Be alerted.😱😱😱 To be quite honest, pure honey does not come cheap🐝 and it’s a shame that you might be spending a lot of money on what you think is pure honey but is not. You could be buying something similar to honey 🍯 If you buy honey from out of town, in areas popular with bee keeping and bee farming, it’s likely that you will get pure honey. However, honey bought from the ...

How I Relate My self to a small Growing tree

I started taking an interest in the environment and became aware of the happenings around the world. One day I was peeping outside the window, and suddenly my eye stuck on a small plant near my classroom when by then i was in Makerere University and that w as when I wrote this. But today I came come to publish it to the crowd of readers , imagining how to relate my self to a growing tree and this is how my conceptual consents were I enter the earth as a small plant Tiny and helpless like an infant Then I grow up and become as active As a school child Very strong and very wild Then comes the stage when I am of middle age  Commanding and brave Like a sailor who can withstand the gigantic waves After a few years I turn old and my growth becomes slow And I start to lose all my beauty and glow In my younger years I was healthy and fresh  Now my health is in a bit of a mess But whatever age I am, I'll not stop giving you fruits Unless you pull me ...

Acry for why we destroy the mother Earth

We spoil our Earth  Is it really worth?  Polluting the air  Is that really fair?  Smoke and Dust  Turning Earth into Hearth  Clean the Air  Show that we care  Secure our future  Say Cheese!  Plant more trees  For Earth to Breathe  Plants and Animals  Love them all  Be generous  Live life tall  Conserve water  Be a nice daughter  Harvest sunlight  For a life that is bright  Plastic may be cool  But don’t be a fool  It will make you ill  Tell the whole school  Recycle everything  Don’t waste anything  If you want no tension  Go for environment protection My environment is My Responsibility Iam a student for Nature Fika AFRIKA FOUNDATION ADVOCACY CREATING SOLUTIONS FOR AFRICA
Saving the Environment is saving the Earth  Saving the environment, saving the nature We can ensure our future life style better  Environment is we grow up having all where  Whose position is nowhere but in this nature;  A plant grows up, produces flowers, fruits, oxygen  Flowers, fruits, oxygen are for beauty, food, life  A being grows up, produces offspring, rear them  Beings need those to live, plants need beings in help;  These both are major agents in environment  For them all other elements are circling  Coming out of womb or shell of egg the urgent  Are environment, nature for first, last living.  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  Alexandrine - Poem by Wandera Alexander Alexandrine, a wisely poem form  Twelve diphthongs in each of twelve lines Major stresses are given on the sixth diphthong  And on the last one  And one secondary accent...

Thoughts about Nature

Return To Nature To  Recognize your true identity,  Re-unite with Nature to  Re-live the splendours of Nature's serendipity!  Tune in with Nature with  Tenderness and kindness,  Treat the flora and fauna with  Tender feelings of love and care!  Feel the sensation of the brown earth on your feet,  Feel the feather touch of leaves on your fingers,  Feel the sensitive kiss of petals on your cheeks,  Feel the heavenly mountain breeze on your body!  Hug the trees with joy,  Hear them sing a silent melody,  Hang your woes and worries far away,  Heal the world with sublime thoughts!  Invite the birds to visit your garden,  Invite them to share your breakfast,  Invite the stars to look down and smile.  Invite Nature to share your life with them! My Environmental is my Responsibility. Iam a student for Nature And ready to create solutions for the future http//:s...
Behold! The tall grotesque structures, Buildings that aspire to touch the skies, Blatant display of ugliness, Bold and bare cement walls, Belittling the cosmic design, Barging into nature's paradise, Breaking the silence of the mountains, Barring the tranquil rivers to flow in peace, Bantering the green meadows and green grass, Blowing off God's creation into nothingness! Isn't it willful intrusion into nature and its ways? Isn't it greed of man to hoard and hoard? Isn't it man's malicious intention to mar the beauty of nature? Isn't it man's deliberation to destroy the eco-system? Isn't it man's selfish endeavour to destroy the eco-balance? Isn't it vandalism to change the structures made by Almighty? Hey man! Please do not disturb the natural working of the universe Hark! The universe follows its own laws - not the man-made ones Heal and develop the self to align with nature Hold on to the beauty of nature and dance to...
 : " Who is a Beekeeper? In no profession there are people like beekeepers. We are an advanced class of specialists we do well in many things. No matter our height, shape, color, age or sex. In addition to being beekeeper one must be a carpenter, painter and caretaker of everything. You must be trained to build, paint, scrub, scrape. We are optimistic of birth. We think about the next harvest when we try to recover from the failure of the last. Beekeepers are happy when the sun shines, plants are in bloom and bees work intensely. Our mood is depressed when in full flow it rains and rains. Beekeepers witness the wonders of nature; the miracle of birth, the certainty of death, the feeling of an order within everything.... A Beekeeper is patience personified when waiting for the arrival of a new queen, the departure of a swarm or the filling of a rise. We know of despair when a hive reveals disease or we meet death or a fabric of moths. Beekeepers have to be leaders, speakers...